Srkikawa's Blog
Just another weblog


So i was just reading an article on CNN about parents using smartphones to entertain and educate young children. I personally do not own a smartphone; however, I do think they can be beneficial and useful for many purposes. I am really amazed at the amount of resources available through smartphone applications. Anyways, the article goes on to talk about how parents are reaching for their smartphones now as forms as entertainment for children. Growing up I can remember always having a gameboy, and some sort of music device to entertain myself, but a cellphone was never used for that purpose and still isn’t. The article also states that almost half of the top 100 selling applications in the itunes store last year were for preschool or elementary school children. After listening to our guest lecturer though I can see a positive impact coming from educational or green games and applications. I can remember a game that I used to play a few years ago in which for every correct answer in a trivia game, one pound of rice was donated to a needy family in a 3rd world country. I believe that games of these nature can be beneficial and can help teach young children the importance certain social responsibilities and is a great way for people to get involved in contributing to society in positive form. I think its really neat that people can be socially and environmentally active without having to run out and join some organization and devote all times of time and money things like this. I am excited to see the evolution of green and educational gaming, and will most likely utilize it as a resource to educate and entertain my children some day.  till next time.



So I realize it has been awhile since the last time I posted on this thing and I apologize for not keeping up to date with the blog. But everyday is another chance to start all over again, so today I will begin to try again with this blog. I read an interesting article the other day on about the dangers of Facebook to your career, or potential career for us students. I think after taking this class most of us should have a grasp of the dangers that lurk around every corner with Facebook, but in case you have slept through the class like myself, or are completely unaware I will just quickly list the 6 dangers the article pointed out. Numero uno, obviously inappropriate pictures, everybody likes to have fun but its important to keep those Friday and Saturday night memories to yourself. Number 2, complaining about your job. This something I never even thought about until I read this article. I have friends that constantly leave status updates about work, and jobs they have done, which the article points out is a career killing no-no. Number 3, Posting conflicting information on you resume and Facebook page. For example, if your resume says you went to Dominican but your Facebook says San Francisco clown college, leaves employers questioning the truth. Number 4, inappropriate status updates or status you wouldn’t want your boss to see; I think you know what I mean. Number 5, security settings, they are available on everyones Facebook, USE THEM! And finally, losing by association, meaning, we judge others by what we see and who that person surrounds themselves with. If your friends portray you as an alcoholic party animal, then potential employers are going to see the same thing. Now the article also talks about using Facebook and other forms of social media to your advantage which is my main point to this post. Before I took this class I had never even thought about using social media to benefit you in your job search. As Joey Shepp pointed out, it gets your name out there; which in todays competitive job market is extremely important. I believe that is an important message that should be taken from this article and this class; though there are dangers with the internet and social media, there are a lot of advantages and benefits that we as users can take advantage of. The idea of twitter and blogging was absolutely ridiculous  to me (and i am not going to lie, is still one of my least favorite things to do), but after listening to John and Joey talk about using social media to benefit you has gotten me a little inspired. Sorry this post is a little all over the place, and my apologies for not posting since the first week of class. I am not going to give excuses but simply promise that I will keep up to date with this thing, and continue to research different forms of social media and remain actively involved in the online community. Thanks for reading


Oh here is the link to article on yahoo if you want to read it.


hello all,

This is my first blog and first time I have ever used a blog as well. I am not going to lie the idea of blogging has never sounded very appealing to me but I think that taking an internet marketing class that will force me to try something I would have never tried before will be fun and interesting. I am actually really excited for my internet marketing class because it seems like I am going to learn about a lot of neat interesting issues that I do not have much knowledge on. I like interactive learning environments and seems as though that is exactly how this class is going to function. The internet is still very foreign to me; I use the internet for basic functions but there is still so much about it that I do not know about. There are so many different things you can do with it, and I am excited to learn about those things, blogging being one of them. Till next week.



Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!